Did We Just Get Smarter???

In reference to the previous entry (of SunnComm threatening to sue a student for showing the company’s anti-piracy measures could be defeated by using the SHIFT key):

Just posted on C|Net, the company has told news.com that it will not sue the student.

The company said it will release a statement later today with more details, but it sounds like they backed down in the face of all the (no-so-good) publicity they were getting for the threat of litigation.

And really, how stupid to you have to be to sue someone for showing that your so-called security measures – which probably cost a pretty penny – can be defeated by a keyboard and an IQ of 10? Why not just keep it quiet and try to fix it?

Also, there was probably some pressure from other parties (RIAA??) to not pursue this – A case like this, a challenge to the DMCA over a SHIFT key, had a good chance of going against the DMCA, which would be a bad precedent for the RIAA and other such organizations.

OK, one stoopidity down; a zillion to go…