Leaked Windows Code

This is not fresh news (can’t really say new news…), but here are my thoughts on the subject:

  • *yawn*
  • There will continue to be much speculation about the ramifications of this leak (real? by Linux fans? publicity stunt? Will someone release a new OS based on this code??). However, the speculations will rapidly die out, as already evidenced by the drop-off of interest in this subject, less than a week after the release of a small portion of Win2000/WinNT code.
  • *yawn*

In other words, a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing, really.

However, I did read one remarkably clueless comment on the matter that’s worth repeating – from Dave Winer, who should know better:

Everyone’s so worried about the Microsoft source leak. “It could open new security holes!” they say. But check this out, the source for Linux, a popular Microsoft competitor, has always been available, and this is promoted by its advocates saying it makes Linux more secure, not less. More programmer eyeballs looking for bugs. Maybe some white-hat types will try to check in some fixes for Windows 2000? Stranger things have happened.

Dave Winer

Yes, stranger things have happened, but consider the following:

  • Linux code is spozed to be out in the open; Windoze code is not
  • Linux code has a process for anyone to submit bugs; Windoze does not (in the traditional, OS build sense). Exactly where will these White Hats check in their code?
  • Submit a Windoze bug fix? Go to court – you’ve just admitted to working with trade secrets/copyrighted code or what have you

While I understand what Winer was trying to say, it really didn’t make a whole lot of sense. To me.