Now THIS is Web 2.0

I hate the buzzphrase “Web 2.0” – it’s meaningless, yet it means different things to different folks. Odd.

I title this entry Web 2.0 simply because two events are happening on the Web today that mark a breakthrough of sorts: The runaway success of and

Why do these sites amass obscene levels of traffic? Well, Paul Boutin outlines it nicely in his Slate article.

Bottom line? – Simple for the masses. Nothing to install; nothing really new to learn.

This is what I was begging for in my recent What’s Wrong With RSS entry. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid).

MySpace and YouTube have done this, and they are getting the PR and traffic.

If Ebay – with its still clunky interface and non-intuitive searches and so on – launched today, it’d probably die a quick death. Now, it’s so ingrained in the masses that it works, but only because it’s already learned. And people hate to learn, so that’s a lesson worth learning.

Build it – and KISS – and they will come.