owling For Columbine

Off topic, but I saw Micheal Moore’s documentary “Bowling for Columbine” yesterday.

Well done – but avoid if you don’t like Moore, as this is 100% Moore – but it never really answered the question that it broached early on: How come Americans – by most yardsticks (per capita, per gun etc) – kill more often, as in way more often, than other countries?

Canada, right across an artifical border or small body of water from the US, is a very US-like country. It’s not like hopping across the English Channel from the UK to France (or vice versa), where there is a significant culture change.

So why does Canada – to use this one example – have a significantly (mind-blowingly significant) lower gun-death rate than the US?

I don’t know; I guess Moore doesn’t, either.

Good movie, one that makes you think.