The Coronavirus Pandemic – Who’s Winning?


This is American, so of course everything is a competition.

So the question is, who is winning (and losing) this health care crisis?

Obviously, the virus itself is kicking everyone’s ass, but what’s the collateral wins and losses to date/to me?

(Yes, I am deliberately making light of a very serious situation. If you can’t occasionally laugh at your troubles…)


  • Zoom: Once a Skype wanna-be, it has emerged – after some security issues – as the go-to video chat for stay at home workers. It’s even become a verb, which is a true sign of success (google it if you don’t believe me).
  • Working from home: Depending on your inclinations/politics this could be a Loser, but the technical ability many now have to just fire up their computer and work from home is something that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago for most. Broadband, beefier laptops and – most importantly – the move to the cloud have allowed many workers to do much of what they used to do at work at home in their jammies.
  • Reporting: The pandemic, overall, has been bungled big-time by the federal government, but has seen local leaders – governors, in particular – step up and create a plan on the fly. The media has covered both the failures and success with dogged perseverance, and it’s compelling reading.
  • Some governors: (see above). And this is not a partisan issue. Democratic governors in CA, NY, IL and MI have shone, but so have Republican governors in OH, MD and MA. And kudos to the Republican governors in particular, because they have to get up there and complain about a Republican president (especially this one); that is easier for a Democrat.
  • Amazon: Amazon really stepped up its game for the pandemic, and for many stuck at home, it was a godsend. If you weren’t an Amazon fan before, you might be now. Is this giving Amazon too much power and sway over retail? Fair question, but that’s not the point here. Amazon delivered.
  • SNL: While doing skits from home to form a show was hit-and-miss, the winners were great in a way that would not have happened if the “social distancing” wasn’t in effect. Cast members had to stretch their legs and really get creative. It often paid off.
  • Seth Meyers: Of all the late night hosts, Meyers bested the others by a long shot. His attic/crawlspace broadcasts, with tiny doors, tiny chairs, wasps and out of control Thorn Birds hit the right notes. Will we be able to stand it for another month or so? We’ll see. Runners-up: Stephen Colbert and, especially, John Oliver. Oliver, in particular, is set up for this: His show is normally just him behind a desk and usually one long story. If he does it at home instead of in a studio really doesn’t matter.


  • Small businesses, especially restaurants: In the last few weeks, my work go-to Thai place shut down, the Indian restaurant next to it turned into a take-out Mexican place, and an interesting Indian place I had wanted to try just evaporated. The chains will remain (big bucks behind them), the the more inventive mom & pop places? Going to be rough.
  • President Trump: From the moment he began leading the daily coronavirus briefings, it was clear that this was Trump’s rally alternative, and the briefings were light on pandemic info and heavy on how much the media was blaming the President. Not pretty.
  • The Federal Government: (see President Trump, above.) If there is ever a time when the federal government should step in and – at least – set guidelines, a country-wide pandemic would be pretty high up that list. The federal response thus far has been: “states, you handle it.” Watergate chilled a generation on trust in government, the pandemic response (or lack thereof) will have a similar effect. The Federal Plan is no plan, months into the pandemic. Shameful.
  • Protesters: Look, I get it – stay at home is a drag, and to some people, a deprivation of “liberty” or “freedom.” Whatever. We’re trying to save lives here. Surely that trumps (sic) the need to sit at a bar. Protesters, look at it this way: The same constitutional amendment that gives you the right to assemble is also the one that gives you the right to free speech (First Amendment). But free speech isn’t limitless – you can’t joke and yell “fire” in a movie theater, for example. Ditto for freedom to assemble – there are limits, and some governors are trying to limit – temporarily – some assembly to keep the pandemic in check. But at the end of all, you do have the right to free speech, so feel free to complain about the stay at home orders. I don’t agree with you, but I will defend your right to rant against this. But again, remember the saving lives part??
  • Late night hosts not listed in the Winners list: Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and even Samantha Bee (though she had her moments).