The Windows to Hell

Or – better yet – the hell with MS Windows.

Well, I’m just being cranky.

For some reason, scheduled tasks die on Windows for some unknown reason. I’ll have scheduled tasks – such as virus downloads – automated and it’ll work fine for months and then … just stop working.

I delete the task, reset it and … all is well again.

That is, until it dies again.

It seems to have something to do with the addition of other scheduled tasks; I have noticed that.

But I really can’t figure out what happens, exactly. And the event log is a joke. Events fail and are not logged as such. What’s with that?

And don’t get me started on the Add Scheduled Task wizard. While it is a nice way to easily add tasks one at a time, it’s…one at at time.

And it’s hard to get a list – a good view – of what happens when. Sure, there is a list of tasks, but have to open properties of each individually to get the full picture.

Give me a CRONTAB anyday. Fast, comprehensible – but a little daunting at first. Agreed. For administrative tasks, why shouldn’t an OS give the option for a less “wizardy” tool. Again, these are task and administrator is doing, not the kids or your mom.

End rant. Let’s hope things run well tonight.