What Am I Missing???

I like Mighty Girl; I don’t read her often but Maggie’s often a good read.

However, she has written a book, and I just don’t get it: No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas For Your Blog.

The book – as the title implies – is things you can write about on your blog (Dooce has picked up one of these suggestions and blogged about, basically, when you realize this relationship is going nowhere…).

But isn’t this book sort of backwards? Don’t – shouldn’t – one have a blog because one has something to say, as opposed to having a blog because it’s the hip thing to do but you’ve no clue about what to say?

If you have nothing to say, don’t write anything that day/week/month. Wait until there is something you want to write about.

I just don’t get it, but … whatever.