Yeah, Sometimes It’s That Bad…

A note from Jason Kottke:

“Dumb Slashdot thread on MT new pricing structure (Sometimes I think the Web’s primary function is aggregating stupidity.)”

Why should the Web differ from other parts of the firmament?

But, still, *sigh*…lotta truth there…

Kottke then continues with a comment on a blog entry by Dave Winer:

The bottom line, as Dave suggests, is that MT 3.0 is worth charging money for. Period. The fact that it was free up until now is largely irrelevant…except that for 2 1/2 years Six Apart has provided people with a very powerful, flexible piece of software for free and will continue to do so in the future. Those bastards!

Kottke continues with a few dings of/suggestions for MT, but – basically – echos my last entry. Still free; just not as free for as many people as before.

And the cost associated with those non-free folks is a freakin’ steal.

Where’s the (legit) beef? Sure, free (beer and freedom) is better than not free, but I don’t see the real issue here.